The best windsurfing in London!
King George Sailing Club is one of the largest inland places to windsurf in North East London and the Home Counties. Whatever the wind is doing; KGSC is situated high above the surrounding landscape so the wind strength is generally 5 knots higher. On a windy day it is typical to see advanced windsurfers blasting, whilst beginners and intermediates are progressing on flatter parts of the water. The prevailing wind gives reaches between ½ mile and 1 mile long!
We windsurf all year round and we operate a buddy system which means you can sail anytime you like: as long as it’s daytime and there are two of you on the water!
We have a What’s App buddy group which allows all the windsurfers and wing foilers to arrange for company on the water. This chat is busy, and buddies can usually be found whenever the wind is suitable.
We also have some windsurf kit available for hire, it is mainly beginner kit, but there are some smaller boards and harnesses. Unfortunately we have no winging kit for hire.
We have pods for kit storage, however these are currently all taken, and we have a waiting list in operation.
Membership tours are usually on Saturdays at 4:15 - message to arrange one.
London Windsurfing Association September 2022